Student Jobs
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Interview Tips
Before You Arrive
First things first, well done for actually getting an interview! In order to get to this stage you were probably grilled over the phone beforehand to assess whether to take your application any further.
Be prepared, get up early and make sure that you allow yourself enough time to get to the place. Turning up late is never good and it will probably unsettle all the preparation you have done beforehand for your interview. Make sure to take a copy of the notes you have made about the company, which you can look over on your journey.
There is no such thing as overdressing for an interview (although I wouldn’t recommend wearing a colourful suit!) Guys are good in a shirt and smart trousers and girls in a blouse, skirt and tights.
First Impression Count
Believe it or not, but your handshake says a lot more about you than you think. Make sure you give a firm and assured handshake whilst maintaining eye contact. Sit up straight, as it seems like you are uninterested otherwise. Hands on the table are important also if you don’t want to be perceived as a ‘nervous child’.
Question Time
Before answering a question, think carefully so that you devise a thoughtful answer. It’s fine to ask for more time or to ask for a question to be repeated. Don’t repeat information which is already mentioned within your CV, just be yourself!
Remember that an interview is a two way conversation, so make sure that you have questions of your own. Asking questions shows that you are actually interested in the role. A popular question is ‘What are the best and worst aspects of the role’? By asking this it shows you like to challenge yourself and that you want to prepare yourself for anything the job may throw at you. Another question you can ask is “When can I expect to hear from you”? as it shows that you are excited about the role.
Questions That You Should Not Ask
There are just some questions that are inappropriate to ask in an interview. Here are a few:
“What does this company specialise in”? This is something that you should have the answer to if you done your research. This would imply to the company that you’re not actually interested in the position.
‘What are the benefits of the job? Again, this can suggest that you are only interested in the perks of the job rather than the job itself.
Want to put these interview tips into action? check our the opportunities at Student Job
A Bit About Our Contributor: StudentJob
StudentJob UK is an online job portal that specialises in providing part-time jobs, internships, graduate programmes and placements for students. We make searching and applying for a job very simple, allowing students to connect with well-known companies within Europe.