Higher Education News
Friday 29 Jan 2016
Shrewd Governments Welcome Foreign Students

Youngsters have long crossed borders in search of an education.
More than 2,000 years ago the Roman poet Horace went to Athens to join Plato’s Academy.
Oxford University admitted its first known international student, Emo of Friesland, in 1190.
Today more than 4.5m students are enrolled in colleges and universities outside their own countries, their fees subsidise local students. Their ideas broaden and enliven classroom debate. Most go home with happy memories and valuable contacts, making them more likely in later life to do business with the country where they studied. Those who stay on use what they have learned to make themselves and their hosts wealthier, by finding work as doctors, engineers or in some other skilled career.
Immigration policy is hard: Europe is tying itself in knots over how many Syrian refugees to admit. But the question of whether to welcome foreign students ought to be much easier. They more than pay their way. They add to the host country’s collective brainpower. And they are easy to assimilate. Indeed, for ageing rich countries seeking to import young workers to plug skills gaps and prop up wobbly pension systems, they are ideal. A foreign graduate from a local university is likely to be well-qualified, fluent in the local lingo and at ease with local customs. Countries should be vying to attract such people.
Source: The Economist