Whats New News
Wednesday 13 May 2015
Puppy Rooms to Combat Exam Stress

Another puppy room to "aid relaxation and calmness" is being offered to stressed students, this time at the University of Bristol.
Several hundred students have signed up and organisers say they are hoping "the cute pups" can provide respite from the stresses and strains of revision.
Students are asked to make a donation of around £2 to the charity Guide Dogs, which is helping run the events around the UK, following previous successful sessions in Nottingham, Lancashire and Aberdeen.
The Guide Dogs charity said it was "most pleased" to be working with the University of Bristol and allowing a chance for its students to de-stress at a busy exam time.
The university said research published in Japan suggested pictures of "cute things" such as puppies or kittens can help improve concentration levels and performance.
The University of Bristol Students Union have confirmed that all the sessions are now fully booked.