Student Accommodation News
Wednesday 10 Jun 2015
Boutique Student Apartments Coming to Preston
A warehouse close to the University of Central Lancashire in Preston is to be converted as Boutique student apartments.
Lime Oak Properties have been granted permission to develop the new student flats in the first floor of the building on Fylde Road in Preston
The development designed by Architects Cassidy + Ashton Group Limited will provide 44 self-contained student apartments set around an indoor “High Street” with seating areas, large screen TV and meeting places.
The scheme was recommended for approval by planning officers who said: “The proposed development would lead to the reuse of vacant premises in a sustainable location and would provide student accommodation close to the university campus.
“Subject to appropriate conditions, particularly to relating to noise and daylight to ensure adequate amenity levels, the proposal complies with the relevant provisions of the development plans and there are no material considerations which outweigh this finding.”
Work is due to start on the warehouse to have it ready for the first students to move in from July 2016.