Higher Education News
Monday 6 Jul 2015
Don't panic if you haven't got a place at university

If you haven't got a place at university yet, or you've just found out that you haven't made your grades, don't panic.
Ucas Clearing allows students to find courses that are still up for grabs, including at a number of top universities.
The Universities and Colleges Admission Service (Ucas) have opened their search early for candidates who already have their results.
Figures show that 14 out of 24 elite Russell Group universities have listed vacancies on their course
Key dates:
July 3 - Clearing opens for university applicants
July 6 - Clearing search available in Ucas
July 23 - Clearing search removed from Ucas
August 3 - Scottish Clearing vacancies available in Ucas
August 12 - Clearing search opens
August 13 - A-level Results Day
September 30 - Clearing vacancy search closes
October 21 - Clearing closes
Click here to visit the UCAS website to find out more, and start to search for your course.