Aston University

About Aston University

Founded in 1895 and a University since 1966, Aston is a long established research-led University known for its world-class teaching quality and strong links to industry, government, and commerce. We are the UK's leading University for the business and the professions.

Our focus brings real benefits — delivering social mobility by helping students acquire the skills, confidence, and knowledge they need to make a successful career in business, industry and the professions, enabling them to explore and fulfill individual potential.

Our scholarship is focused on translating world-class research into benefits for the economy and society, and for our local and global communities as well. At Aston, we are dedicated to developing people and ideas that will shape the businesses and communities of tomorrow.

The dedication, talent and drive of Aston’s people underpin Aston’s current and future success. We are and will remain, friendly, informal and open; a culturally diverse community in which staff and students continue to learn from, and celebrate individual differences. These qualities make Aston a great place to work, study and collaborate.

Sustainability and social responsibility are issues our staff, students and stakeholders feel passionately about. They are central to how we work at Aston and how we relate to the world around us. Sustainability and social responsibility are based on ethical values and defined by the idea of economic, social and environmental obligations to our range of stakeholders.

Our mission is to be the UK’s leading university for business, enterprise and the professions, where original research has a positive impact on the world around us.

University Rankings

This Year / Last Year

The Sunday Times


The Guardian


The Complete University Guide



    Points of Interest

    Map Key

    • City Centre
    • University

    Aston University, Aston Express Way, Birmingham, B4 7ET

    Telephone: 0121 204 3000
    Email: [email protected]

    Stats and Facts *

    Total Postgraduate Students:


    Total Undergraduate Students:


    Total Non-UK Students:


    Total Part Time Students:


    Total Full Time Students:


    Total Student Population:


    * Based on 2016 HESA Figures

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